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Discover and Compare Building Products with Ease: A Simple, Visual Tool for utilising environmental data
Gray Carpet


transparent data

Wooden Surface

2 500 000+

data points

Shadow on Concrete Wall


life cycle stages

Concrete Background


than CO2 values

Hey Designers

Save time

Maximize your design time: Focus on creativity, not on tedious research. Our Tool streamlines the search and comparison of products and their environmental impacts.

Stay relevant

Ensure your competitiveness in the rapidly evolving field. Increase your value to your clients through comprehensive visual reports and target setting.

Be in the know

Say goodbye to greenwashing. Understand clearly how different products' environmental impacts compare, and what are their strengths and weaknesses. 

Communicate easily

Effortlessly understand and communicate the environmental impacts of your product selections or entire projects with our comprehensive and customizable Reports and Comparisons!

Hey Suppliers

Take a shortcut

Revolutionize your marketing approach: Directly showcase your products to designers. Elevate your brand presence at the decision-making table.

Dare to be transparent

Show your products environmental data in the right context and prove your message isn't just marketing fluff.

Get immediate feedback

Follow your products' success on the Platform and analyze your position in the market.

Boost your sales

Make it easy for designers to reach you by claiming your products and adding your sales information to the products.

Access more features with Premium



Access products' full

Environmental Profiles

Set up Project Folders and

work on them together with

your colleagues 

Compile visual, comprehensive environmental reports and communicate your choices easily



Supplement your products information with technical specs & product pictures

Show your seller information and add your company name to the search filters

Introduce your work in a public profile, visible for all

Products from these and many other brands already on the platform

We are thrilled to be part of this!

Partnering with Materialisting does not only align with our strategic objectives but also actively contributes to the advancement of the field. The designers bear the responsibility for bringing the environmental perspectives of product choices to the attention of customers and for considering the impacts of these choices in decision-making.

Niina Sihto
Design Agency FYRA
Co-founder, Senior Designer
The future of handling environmental data 
I believe this is how the future of data handling in environmental topics looks like: user friendly interface, visually clear information that is easy to read, and the possibility to compare products in a reliable way. We also find such comparison methods transparent, which helps to fight against greenwashing and creates trust.
Janne Lauronen
Tarkett Oy
Sales manager, project sales
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